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Black Death: the disease

The resource is about the plague, the disease known as Black Death in 14th-century England. It describes the three variations of the disease: bubonic, pneumonic and septicaemic, and the causes and symptoms of the disease. It also considers the origins of the bacteria, the conditions needed for an epidemic to occur and the ...


Ancient China: geography - challenge

This is a game entitled 'Where do I live?' in which the user matches a set of four people and animals to the areas in China where they live. The challenge is based on understanding the different geographical features of seven regions and two river basins in China and identifying which of these matches the habitats of the ...


Religion in late imperial China, 1644-1911

This online resource offers a comprehensive overview of the many forms of religion in late imperial China. It includes a detailed overview of religion under the following four headings: Religion in China: an overview; Popular religion and beliefs; Institutional religion: the three teachings; and Religion, the state and ...


The Mongols' mark on global history

This resource, a component of the online resource The Mongols in world history, focuses on the contribution of the Mongol empire during the 13th and 14th centuries to world history. It examines the stereotype of the Mongol empire as being peopled by barbarians and juxtaposes it with the contributions of the Mongol empire. ...


Chartist Movement 1838-48

This resource is about the Chartist Movement, a movement for the political rights of working people in Britain. It gives a brief history of the movement and describes the three petitions with millions of signatures that were presented to parliament in 1839,1842 and 1848. It is organised under the following headings: the ...


The Mongol conquests

This is an illustrated four-part historical account of the rise and fall of the Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous land empire in history. It includes sections on: factors leading to the Mongol conquests; the role of Chinggis (Genghis) Khan; how a small group of Mongols succeeded in conquering a vast domain; and the ...


Medieval stonemasons

This resource is about the medieval stonemason. It includes text and some images. The resource is organised under four topic headings: A mason's craft; Soaring monuments; Heavenly Jerusalem; and Find out more. Interposed in the text are images of Ely Cathedral, Salisbury Cathedral and Wells Cathedral.


The Mongols in China

This is an illustrated four-part historical account of Mongol rule in China. It includes sections on: the Mongol influence on China; Khubilai Khan in China; life in China under Mongol rule; and the beginnings of the Mongol collapse. The life in China section describes the effects of Mongol rule on peasants, artisans, merchants, ...


Mummification in Bronze Age Britain

This resource is about the discovery of two Bronze Age mummies in Britain. It describes the discovery by a team of archaeologists of the bodies of a male and a female under the floor of a prehistoric house on the Hebridean Island of South Uist. It presents the evidence for mummification following investigations using archaeological ...


Key figures in Mongol history

This resource, a component of the online resource The Mongols in world history, focuses on key figures in Mongol history. It includes biographical data on Chinggis (Genghis) Khan, his son Ogodei and grandson Khubilai Khan, and Khubilai's wife Chabi. It also gives an account of Marco Polo and Phags-pa, a Tibetan Buddhist ...


The Mongols' pastoral-nomadic life

This resource, a component of the online resource The Mongols in world history, details the nomadic lifestyle of the Mongols and the rise of Temujin (Genghis Khan). It includes a list of the animals upon which the precarious pastoral-nomadic life of the Mongols depended. It describes the various uses of the animals by the ...


Agricultural revolution in England 1500-1850

The resource is about the agricultural revolution in England. It includes a discussion of the ongoing controversy over when and how the agricultural system changed from being one of peasant farmers working in a subsistence economy to a capitalist farming system, using new machinery and supporting millions of people in the ...


Ottoman Empire (1301-1922)

This resource is about the rise and fall of the Islamic Ottoman Empire. It includes text and some images. The resource is organised under eight topic headings: Introduction; Why was the Empire successful?; Constantinople; Other religions; Sultan and court; Suleiman – a golden age; Decline; and Find out more. The images ...


Ancient China: crafts and artisans

This is a resource titled Workshop Alley, produced by the British Museum, in which the viewer explores three ancient Chinese workshops making jade, bronze and ceramic objects. Each workshop contains: an introduction to the material being worked; an illustrated description of the processes used; one or two questions and ...


Enslavement and industrialisation

This resource is about the slave-based trade with the Americas and its contribution to Britain in the 18th century and today. The resource is organised under the following topic headings: Consumers and slaves; the Atlantic boom; Slave-related trade; Profit margins; Inherited privilege; and Find out more. It includes text, ...


Viking women

This resource is about the role of women in the Viking world. It includes text and some images. The resource is organised under six topic headings: Female Vikings?; Viking women in England; Scandinavian immigration; Daily life; Women of influence; and Find out more. The images are interposed in the text.


The abolition of British slavery: interactive map

This interactive resource is about the abolition of slavery. It includes an interactive map, written material, images and audio recordings of related text. Students follow a trail on the map, which leads them to the topics: How the slave trade worked; Resistance and abolition; Return to Sierra Leone; Olaudah Equiano's adventures; ...


Unmasking the Maya: preserving the culture

This resource is chiefly about the preservation of the Maya culture in the USA. It covers the Maya Indians today, the rich ancient Maya culture that existed from 500 BCE to 1519 CE, when the Spanish conquered them, and those Maya who emigrate today to the USA in search of a better life. The resource presents the Monkey ...


Roman religion: gallery

This resource is about Roman religion. It consists of nine images that link to text about the different practices and beliefs that existed in ancient Rome. It includes information on the state-recognised worship of traditional gods and about some of the diverse religions that were tolerated in ancient Rome as long as they ...


Genocide under the Nazis: timeline

This interactive timeline is about the persecution and mass murder of the Jews, Gypsies and other people by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945. It includes background material and a description of how the timeline works. It shows events in the same sequence as experienced by those who lived during the twelve years of Nazi ...