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Listed under:  Science  >  Matter  >  Atoms

Sites2See: Databases for science

A page with downloadable examples, exemplars and advice to help integrate database use in teaching and learning for science. Includes suggestions and reasons for using databases in science, practise activities and information on research and benefits, plus links to a range of related resources.


Sites2See: Spreadsheets for science

A page with example resources, exemplars and advice to help integrate spread sheet use in teaching and learning for science. Includes suggestions for use, tutorials and information on research and benefits, plus links to a range of related resources, including a teacher guide to using Microsoft Excel in the classroom


The Reactivity Series of metals

Students use this simulation to investigate the differences between potassium, sodium, iron and gold in reactivity with water in the construction of a bridge. Teachers have to explain how the reactivity series of metals can be determined by considering their reaction with oxygen, water and acid, and how to use the reactivity ...


Sites2See: Light and Matter

Links to resources to explore fundamental questions about light and matter and the application of the physics of light and matter to the past, the future and to space. Includes a quick quiz, links to additional DEC NSW physics resources and to the International Science School at the University of Sydney.


Science Talk 2007: Jack Bacon

An interview with Dr Jack Bacon, NASA engineer and futurist. Jack talks to a teacher from Sydney Girls High School about his experiences on the Vomit comet and his research into alternative energy sources. Jack also shares with us his predictions for the future of science, space travel and energy sources.


Sites2See: Nuclear jeopardy

Resources to help understand and debate the issues around continuing and future use of nuclear energy after the nuclear accidents in 2011 at Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini and after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Includes links to sites and information for both sides of the nuclear energy debate, including information ...


Green glow of radiation

Coming into contact with a large dose of radiation is known to be hazardous. But will it make you light up like a car dashboard at night? Some anecdotes that will engage the students to learn about radioactivity while dispelling a few myths.


CERN legend stuff of angels and demons

This ABC article or podcast by Dr Karl describes and outlines the role of the particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider and how it is helping to research the nature of mass. This article is dated (2008) as some significant results from the Large Hadron Collider have since been announced.


Displacement Reactions

Students use this interactive to test five metals in an iron sulfate solution to see if a reaction will occur and understand that more reactive metals such as magnesium, aluminium and zinc will displace less reactive ones such as iron from their compounds.